Where does church happen? In this article, Isaac tells the story of a moment of church that happened outside the walls of our normal meeting place. The people of Chapel Hill Mennonite can gather anywhere for church, even in the hospital. Here’s a couple paragraphs from the article:
Sometimes church just happens. Christ shows up with unexpected people in surprising moments. And the fellowship that happens in these moments is our communion in the fugitive ecclesia. As Jesus put it, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20).
Our communion in Christ’s Spirit is not a possession, something we can make happen with the right new pastor or a new initiative. Disciples aren’t magicians who wave wands and cast spells to make the Spirit fall and conjure a community. Instead, Christ is a beckoning presence, and we follow by stumbling into the alluring grace of the Holy Spirit, which comes with a companion, with the intimacy of two or three.
Follow this link for the whole article: Fugitive church.