Has God abandoned us? The world seems like a desolate place. But the Scriptures tell us that Jesus is Immanuel, “God with us.” Where can we find this One who gives life? Isaac suggests that the Christ shows up among those who gather at the edges of our comfortable world. Here’s a passage from his article that appeared in The Mennonite:
The lure of Christ’s gracious presence invites us onto a wandering path of discipleship that leads into forgotten places—the margins of highways and the wilderness of slums. As the title of Ernst Käsemann’s landmark book on Hebrews puts it, we become The Wandering People of God. We are nomads who set up our tents where others don’t want to live. We wander into relationships where we share burdens and hope to encounter the living presence of Jesus among the disfigured, disordered and disheveled. “Can we see Jesus?” The answer depends on where we go and with whom we await Christ’s presence.
You can read the whole article here: “Roadside Jesus,” The Mennonite (Feb 17, 2009).