Easter is an invitation to dwell in Christ’s resurrected life of love. Here is an except from an article Isaac wrote about this season of Easter:
Resurrection is not a quick fix for our problems; tombs and crucifixions don’t end on Easter morning. The graveside account in John’s Gospel instead is a glimpse into the mysterious outpouring of divine love: God waits for those without hope, Christ lingers among those plagued with death and fear.
Our Lover always returns, and he whispers the words of life near a tomb under the cover of darkness. The divine love affair begins again where death and anguish seem to reign. When we are drawn to such places, our Lover finds us, although he appears as a stranger. We are like Mary, unable to recognize the signs of resurrection. Yet the allure of God’s grace sends us on our mission of waiting and listening and hoping—sometimes forever. For God’s love is flesh—a wounded body near a tomb, still bearing the marks of death, holes in his hands and side.
Follow the link to The Mennonite for the entire article: Whispers of Resurrection