Isaac visited a Mennonite community in Freeman, South Dakota. Here is an excerpt from his reflections on his time with Salem-Zion Mennonite Church:
God’s creation is cultivated not only to provide for the members of Salem-Zion but also for the sake of the world. In the fall, after the harvest, the congregation expresses gratitude with a celebration of missions. Receiving the gifts of the Earth, according to the church calendar, is commemorated with a festival of giving. Worship and work grow into one another, and the fruit is a congregation that lives for the sake of sharing the Good News. As the people of Salem-Zion give from the produce of the land, they make visible the words of Menno Simons: “We are prepared to share our possessions … however little it may be; and to sweat and labor to meet the need of the poor, as the Spirit and Word of the Lord … teach and imply.”
For the rest of the article, follow this link to the Mennonite Weekly Review: “Creation and God’s mission“.