Living God, by the power of your Spirit, help us to hear your holy word, that we may truly understand; that, understanding, we may believe; and believing, we may follow in faithfulness and obedience [and joy!], seeking your honor and glory in all that we do, through Jesus Christ. Amen. We just prayed the words of Ulrich Zwingli – […]
Doers of the Word
For the past few weeks I’ve been preaching from the book of Ephesians, exploring its encouraging words to Christians, newly baptized into the community of faith. We wrestled with how walking in God’s love enables us to do something useful with all of our emotions, even anger. We celebrated how God’s Spirit moves us to […]
The Armor of Peace
I feel a little extra brave whenever I’m wearing a backpack fit for the occasion. Whether it’s hiking those first miles of dusty trail wearing a pack full of food and gear for the week’s upcoming trek….or striding up into a school bus to travel to a sporting competition with your teammates all if you […]
Making Melody
Our short text from Ephesians today opens up with apocalyptic urgency: “Be careful how you’re living!” “The days are evil!” “Make the most of your life!” “Seize the day!” “Don’t get drunk – because that’s debauchery!” When you start hearing this passage you might think that you’re in for a whole long list of warnings […]
Doing Something Useful
Do any of you all ever get angry? Take a moment to think about a time when your blood was boiling, when the fiery rush of anger welled up in you… What did that feel like? Where in your body do you experience anger? Take a breath and remember what that felt like. Maybe the […]
Looking Down
It’s hard to be a human. The growing pains of learning how to live in these bodies, the search for belonging and friendship, the daily need to provide food and shelter and a future for our loved ones, the questions of purpose and meaning that gnaw at us. Being a human is filled with all manner […]
Part of God’s Story
I’m often intrigued by the way stories with known endings continue to fascinate us. Our favourite books we reread over and over again; our favourite stories we tell again and again, even when everyone hearing them knows what will happen. Nowhere is this more apparent than in our reading of the Bible: we go to […]
Who is this king of glory?
When I heard the news of the assassination attempt at former president Trump’s rally I felt a pit in my stomach. I pray for him and his healing, for the other victims, and the shooter, and all of their families – and for all people in our neighborhoods, cities, country and world who live in […]
From a Human Point of View
Christians have always looked for barometers of faith. We want to know: what does a good Christian look like? How can we see if someone is sinning or saved or something else entirely? We see evidence of this debate happening in the early church in Paul’s letters, which often concern the right ways to live […]
“Is it You, Lord?”
Not everyone who calls you by name actually knows you. My inbox is full of emails that begin with lines like: “Hi Benjamin, Thanks for your recent order!” “Greetings Benjamin! The bill from your recent visit is now due.” “Benjamin, If you upgrade now, you can get free carry-on bags…” “Benjamin – It’s urgent that […]
Learning to Dance
The first and only time I’ve taken dance lessons was a month into marriage with Alli. We signed up for a partner ballroom dance class because we thought it would be fun and our friends were teaching the class. Each week we learned a new style – waltz and swing and foxtrot. And it turned […]
Spirit of the Living God
Spirit of the Living God – fall afresh on us. Melt us and mold us to hear your Word, to speak your Good News with boldness, and to follow your Way of Love. Amen. It’s Pentecost Sunday – when we celebrate the Spirit of Christ being poured out on the community of Jesus followers. Today […]
John 17:1-20
In today’s gospel reading from the Book of John, Jesus prays to God to protect his disciples, his dear friends: “I am asking on their behalf; I am not asking on behalf of the world, but on behalf of those whom you gave me, because they are yours…And now I am no longer in the […]
The Powerful Name
It is gift to see each of you here today. My name is Ben, I’m the pastor of Chapel Hill Mennonite Fellowship. Raleigh Mennonite – thank you for joining us today! Thanks to pastor Melissa and everyone that collaborated today in this service. This is the third week after Easter that I will be preaching […]
Witnesses to the Resurrection
When I was a college student at Bethel College in Kansas we had to go a certain number of these mandatory convocation lectures. One Monday mid-morning in the spring of 2012, I was a lanky freshman sitting slouched into an uncomfortable auditorium seat. Gregory Ellison II, a young professor from Emory’s Candler School of Theology […]
Community of Resurrection
For the next few weeks in this Easter season, I am going to be preaching from the book of Acts, focusing on the impact of Jesus’ resurrection for the community of the church. Our short passage from Acts for today is a beloved one. Over the centuries folks from monks in monasteries to Anabaptists farming […]
Back to the Beginning
One of our practices as a community is to carve out space in our shared worship to share with one another where we’ve sensed the Divine. We wonder where God whispers in words and stories and in the pauses and punctuation and spaces between the lines of scripture. And, maybe some of you in the […]
We Wish to See Jesus
Where we are looking says a lot about what we’re looking for. If we took in all of the available data – all the sounds and sights and smells around us – we would be overwhelmed with the noisy blur around us. So we screen and select, sharpening our attention in particular ways. Sometimes this […]
For God So Loved
Life begins with love. For God so LOVED. From the beginning of time and light and far-flung spinning galaxies billions of years in the making to the beginning of each you – life begins with love. For God so loved the world. To be alive is a gift, never to be taken lightly – […]
Zeal for Your House
When Jesus entered the Temple in Jerusalem it was raucous as always – a cacophony of sound – prayers and song, animals bleating, different languages blending into one holy din. Maybe the smell of incense and burning wood and roasting animal flesh wafting upwards hit Jesus’ nose first. Tens of thousands of people were gathering […]
The Weirdness of God
Abraham “fell on his face” (17:3, 17). That is our story tonight in Genesis. We are dipping into the era of the patriarchs and matriarchs. Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and Joseph. Sarah and Hagar and Rebekah and Leah and Rachel. Abraham and Sarah’s story is meandering and covers no less than 15 chapters of […]
Driven into the Wilderness
My grandpa had a story that I heard him tell a few times. I can’t confirm all of its details but I can confirm its truth. Sometime when my grandpa was a teenager going to the local Christian high school, during an evangelical chapel service, he was moved to dedicate his life to God and […]
Transfiguration Sunday
Our faith is made up of a series of encounters between humans and God, humans and humans, God and God. Sometimes these encounters have ended in floods or wars or colonial oppression. Other times these encounters mean learning, sharing, and being transformed for the better. And often, the really monumental encounters, the ones whose stories […]
Gathered at the Door
I really appreciate the invitation from you all to be here as a guest preacher. It’s a bit odd to be asked to speak…usually everyone else is doing the talking – rushing by loudly on the street outside or they come and push me open without even thinking. My life is pretty solitary but the benefit […]